Ceriops decandra (Griff.)
Ding Hou
Shrub or small tree, upto 4 m high, erect
branches formed its canopy conical, leaf-scar marks present on the branches
Aerial roots forming shallow buttress
or root knees in the trunk base, leaves simple, opposite, obovate, caducous,
rounded apex, dark gree, glabrous
Flowers 2-3 chotomous, in condensed axillary
Fruit length 1.0 - 1.5 cm, blunt apically
and hypocotyle length upto 16 cm
Germication epigeal, viviparous
Hypocotyle with sharply ridges and warted
towards apex.
Economic Importance : Used as cottage
poles, pillers, pile and fuel woods.
Tannin percentage in the stem bark
is 19.0 %, which is largely used by the fishermen for tanning their fishing